false stalking injunctions in Pinellas County, FL

Here is a letter from a reader of this Blog to me all about her experiences with false stalking injunctions in Pinellas County Florida that were filed against her. Hi Chris, This is (Name Hidden)- We spoke around the 3rd of March. At this time, plz do not use my name but use Lady Warrior instead for now. I have successfully won all of my false stalking injunctions in Pinellas County, FL in the last three years... It has been a horrible experience! And financially draining as well! Especially, if you know how unfair and unbalanced this statute is! Free to file and the clerks even help them fill out the paperwork! Not to mention that you cannot expunge it--- Even if you get it dismissed, people can still view it and not see the dismissal etc. but your NAME ATTACHED TO THE WORD STALKING!
This literally insane criminal female misfit and her brother (etc), attempted to file six false stalking injunctions in Pinellas County Florida on me, but only three went before the court! One even became CASE LAW IN FLORIDA! The basis of this is retaliation, maliciousness etc.is because I am working w/ local L E, and the State as a whistle blower/informant regarding their economic criminal activity. Especially, after, I became one of their victims! . More on that later. Talk about watching perjury in action! Which, rately gets filed in the Tampa Bay area--- More on that soon- Here are some tips- *Document everything- keep a journal. *Educate yourself. *Contact (as high up as you can) in L E and the Courts etc. and let them know your concerns. Keep it up until they listen to you. Have a witness if you speak to them. I have had them twist things around... Lying!!! *E-mail and or write the Chief Circuit Court Judge! Use his own language- "To keep a fair and balanced Court"etc... *Contact the State Legislature! This statute needs to be modified to say the least! *Contact the media and or an investigative reporter! Be careful here as they can spin your story! *HIRE A COMPETENT CARING,COMPASSIONATE ATTORNEY THAT GETS IT AND WILL FIGHT FOR YOU! Remember, you know your story best... Pro se can be very difficult and can go sideways on you too--- Stay strong and positive- you are doing the right thing! Take care of yourself and speak to those only that support you... Do not be disrespectful or a hot head- it will get you no where when fighting a false stalking injunction in Pinellas County Florida! Pray- it does work! Warrior Lady


  1. Hi Chris,

    Well, we are slowly making some progress on my false stalking injunctions in Pinellas County, FL...

    I would also suggest speaking directly w/ their P O or PTI Officer too and letting them know you are a victim and why you are contacting them. In my case, I went to the Courthouse and pulled their Contract w/ the State. Most of these are public record. Then I educated myself and made contact w/ their "babysitters"! If you have tangible proof that they have violated their contract, then by all means share it (CONFIDENTIALLY), with them!
    Also, stay on top of them but thank them for their service too! In all of DOC, L E., this is probably one of the toughest/overwhelmed and understaffed/trained areas!

    The real question is why is our legal system so upside down? Why as a victim/witness/informant feel like you are the bad person sometimes?
    So, does crime really pay and does our U S justice system condone it then too?

    ***So, I tell the truth about my false stalking injunctions in Pinellas County, FL and then I become the enemy? Enemy of the State?

    Warrior Lady

  2. Here are some more tips for all those warriors who have had false stalking petitions placed against them-

    Post your story- tell your truthful side!

    In my case, there is a brother/ sister criminal duo team working the Pinellas County and the Internet arena. A la my false stalking petitioners... Why? Because (again), it is free to file and they hope if they gaslight enough in court they can have the petition granted... Why? To keep me from working w/ L E, /The State, IRS, SS admin, FBI, DOJ,MVR,501c3, EBT and on and on... They have scammed every single facet of society for years. Gotten away w/ it? Oh yes, until NOW!!!
    My team of co-warriors and I have used a competent (licensed), local P I, flagged and written to craigslist, thumbtack, keen.com, pay pal, Handy, Veterans Admin, anywhere and everywhere these criminal misfits are trying to scam people we are successfully shutting them down...
    And, and exposing them too!

    Keep the faith and remember to stay strong!

    Warrior Lady!

  3. Another tip for people to expose false filing petitions of false retraining orders is;


    Remember to be factual, professional etc. Tell your STORY!

    I have posted two on my criminal duo brother/sister team and it is coming right up ahead of anything else w/ their names attached to it!

    The new facebook!

    Here is an example of a blurb I used-

    Use adj. that describe them- Habitual liar, Con, Narcissist, Thief, Impostor, Scam Artist, Cheat, Gaslighter, Convicted Felon,Untrustworthy----

    XXXX will steal your wallet and then turn right around and help you look for it... Is that who you want in your life?

    Keep the faith and keep going until you get the justice you absolutely deserve!

    Warrior Lady!

  4. Well, here is another site that may prove helpful w/ your false stalking injunction petitioners! Especially if you suspect they have committed crimes on the internet! Or, you end up with cramped fingers and going down another dark well...


    This is the link for the IC3 complaint form etc. Craigslist also has this in their safety area... Speaking of craigslist, I have had extremely poor response from them... One would have to think that they care ONLY about ADS and not the quality, integrity, or safety of ANYONE!

    If you are like me, I have reported my criminal/convicted Felons locally to everyone I can think of and they are still out trolling for more victims on craigslist... Yes, on PROBATION/PTI and FREE TO VICTIMIZE OVER & OVER AGAIN!
    Seriously, I have seen sheep watched over better than what these "officers," do! So, time to contact their supervisors- again! Ugh!!!

    Is there any true justice in America anymore? The land of the free? Free to commit crimes, apparently... And get away with it... Like, our one sided, unfair petition for stalking injunctions ...

    Warrior Lady!

  5. Having a bad day because of your false petition for stalking injunction filed against you?

    1. Watch some LOCKUP! I do and can visualize my lying duo LOCKED behind the steel, black cage where they truly belong! For the rest of their lives! Now, that would be some REAL JUSTICE!

    2.Lockup is on cable or you can see episodes on u-tube too...

    Warrior Lady!

    1. Also, my Co- warriors, in the battle over your truth, dignity and justice in your false stalking petitions- May you find a lot of strength in watching this incredible u tube video-

      The Shawnee Sioux War Dance


      If you were BORN in the USA, you are a Native American!

      Keep up the fight and keep up your strength!

      Warrior Lady!

  6. Here's an April Fool's update--- For the Fool's that placed the false,perjured Pinellas County Florida stalking petitions against me!

    Well, my false restraining order misfit criminals have been blocked in almost every area of their scamming internet sites---

    What has worked for me is to either e-mail or telephone these sites and tell them my story as a victim! They usually ask for proof and man, do I have it! In fact, I have a word doc on each one of them... It is easily updated! I just attach it w/ my short, to the point victim, e-mail. And, with-in 24 hrs or less- they are gone from these sites!! -- Permanently blocked!

    BTW, do any of these sites validate ANYTHING??

    *Where ever I find out that they are trolling for their next victims--- I make the call or send the e-mail--- I do ask for confidentiality and cc- legal counsel too---

    *Now, that's some justice--- and our First Amendment right to free speech!

    Warrior Lady!

  7. Here it is Monday, April 11th in the Sunshine State but there is a dark ominous cloud overhead... Like all the time it appears!

    Had a tough week (last week), getting ANY answers from Pinellas County Law Enforcement or having them EVEN return calls or e-mails--- Are they hiding, sleeping on the job, taking a looooong lunch and or, break, on vac (again), ignoring me, lost my number, e-mail address, no longer on the case, lost the file- no I am sorry, it was misfiled... Out in the field, in training (again), case re-assigned... How about this, never filed it at all or??
    *** On the roller coaster and assembly line of pass the criminals from one Pinellas County agency to another--- No one wants to take responsibility... BUT, they do want to wear a badge,carry a gun, drive bright shinny vehicles, wear crisp uniforms, receive a steady paycheck, benefits and collecting a pension... BTW- don't we as taxpayers, law abiding, MORAL, people pay for this?? Meanwhile--- Crime does pay--- especially w/ perjury!!!

    Have I said this before? If they were a business, they would be bankrupt... And, and, if they worked on commission, they would ALL STARVE TO DEATH!

    No one said it better than the late, great George Carlin-


    So, I am back for some morsel of justice again this week!

    Warrior Lady!

    1. Sorry, readers, I should add that I am also having the same problems w/ Hillsborough County SO and most definitely the State too--- Is this a sickening plaque that has spread across our State/Country?

      Do they really want our help?? Do they really want to arrest, convict and prosecute these criminals or?? Or, is it just something they say for marketing? Just for fun to pass the day? They don't actually want anyone that has a conscious or a brain to assist them-RIGHT?
      So again, I ask, who are the REAL CRIMINALS??

      Warrior Lady!

    2. End of April 2016' Update---

      I maybe one of the first people in Florida to be placed in the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) via FALSE stalking injunctions--- This is via the A G's office.

      Here is the number to call in Tallahassee- 850-414-3300/Christina Harris/Bureau Chief


      Also, if you do not get it approved- keep asking for it--- and find out why not!!

      ***There is another Company out there that you have to send certified letters to that publishes public records. Ugh!!! They are not affiliated (that I know of), w/ any of the other agencies...


      It is a process but, well worth it!

      Warrior Lady!


LOL, I was talking with my 40 year old Son last week about the abuse of restraining orders and orders of protection, and he said "Dad, ...