Online National Domestic Violence Database

I’m writing you to see if you have interest in covering in your blog the launch of the country’s very first searchable online database of domestic violence agencies. It’s called and includes roughly all 3000 of the agencies in the US.

When someone visits, in a matter of seconds – from a desktop, smartphone or tablet – that person can find help closest to them based on their location, language and service preferences.

This release ( talks about the important strategic issues this new free non-profit service resolves. Succinctly put, finding help online has been too difficult up until now. The service is offered as a partnership between National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and my family’s charity Theresa’s Fund.

With the recent news about the NFL getting tough on abusive players and October being Domestic Violence Awareness month, and with 25% of women having experienced domestic violence, making your readers aware of this breakthrough service is both timely and potentially life-saving. 

Chris McMurry
Director, Theresa’s Fun

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LOL, I was talking with my 40 year old Son last week about the abuse of restraining orders and orders of protection, and he said "Dad, ...