Harassment Restraining Order Questions


Please consider adding my post to your blog,  I'm hoping to get answers, 

I'm in the midst of a restraining order hearing- I am the respondent,

The Petitioner is filing a case against me not for threats, but instead for sending emails to get my property back-
The petitioner blocked my email address, phone number and dropped me from social media.

I wrote several emails, nothing in them was threatening or made any type of accusations, or were disrespectful in any way, actually they were very nice, asking to meet up to get my property back.  The Petitioner has claimed the emails were blocked and were deposited directly into a SPAM folder, now is opening the folder and claiming the peace of mind is interrupted, and its harassing to get the emails.

That is it-  nothing more- and I think the Judge is also wondering where the harassment is- but is anyone familiar with cases that were dismissed becasue the Petitioner claiming harassment because of emails they DID NOT get, but opened later on?

I look forward to any possible comments, how will I know if anyone responds to a blog post?

LOL, I was talking with my 40 year old Son last week about the abuse of restraining orders and orders of protection, and he said "Dad, ...